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Some things you might want to know about Calgary 55 plus Games Association:

Does Calgary 55 plus Games Association have a facility or regular meeting place?

No. We run summer and winter Games each year. We do not train people or hold regular leagues. You will have to contact community centres or legions for this. For some ideas check out Where To Play. Periodically Calgary 55 plus organizes Fun Days into either the summer or winter Games to introduce members to possible new activities.

How can I take part in Calgary 55 plus Games competitions?

First become a member of Calgary 55 plus, then watch for the announcement regarding the competition you are interested in. Follow the instructions on the announcement flyer to register. To see what is available click on summer activities or winter activities.

What does it cost to become a member?

Membership is $40 a calendar year. Your membership fee entitles you to compete in all 30 events in the summer and in the winter. Lunch subsidies and/or refreshments are provided at the majority of events. There are, however, additional fees for golf, skiing, hockey and slo-pitch to cover facility costs.

How do I determine what age category I belong in?

Your competition age is your age as of December 31 of the current year. An exception is before you turn 55. If you are 54 at the time of the Playoffs, you are not eligible to compete. You must be a minimum of 55 at the time of the Playoffs.

How can I qualify to take part in the Provincial Games?

To qualify for the Provincial Games, you must participate in the Zone Playoffs. Normally all gold medal winners go on to the Provincial Games and sometimes silver medalists go, depending on the event.

Does Calgary 55 plus Games Association provide funding if I qualify for a Provincial Games? For the Canada Games?

Normally no – the transportation and accommodation cost are at your cost. Most meals are provided by the host community. Some years a subsidy is provided by Calgary 55 plus to those participants going to the Provincial Games, depending on the financial position of the Association.